Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby Update

We had a successful appointment on Wednesday at CHOP. The ultrasound showed that the baby looks to be about 7 and a half pounds which may be off a pound in either direction. Ultrasounds this late are not as accurate because the baby is so big and there just is not a whole lot of room in there to get the most accurate readings. Regardless we are thrilled that I have made it to full term. I am scheduled to start my induction on Monday evening, the 4th, my due date. We've hoped and prayed that the baby would make it full term to have the best chance with the surgery. A 6 or 7 pound baby's chances are much much greater than a 3 or 4 pound baby's, so each week really has been a huge relief. Hopefully we'll have some exciting news to report on Tuesday, January 5th.

The 5th of January is Saint John Neumann's Feast Day. My Mommom, Mom, and I have visited his shrine twice within the past few months. He is a special saint since he lived right here in the Logan Square neighborhood where Lee and I live. Also, he is responsible for starting Catholic schools in the country. Another interesting fact is before he became a bishop of Philadelphia he was a priest at St. Philomena's parish in Pittsburgh. This was my mother's parish and she remembers as a little girl praying to him daily in school. It would be special for our baby to be born on his feast day. We'll just have to wait and see. Or she could be born on January 6th which is my Uncle Chris' birthday. That would be wonderful too!


  1. Hugs to u ... u r in our prayers extra these next few days. Thank for allowing us to share in this journey ... oxoxox, Sean and Chrissy

  2. Love you guys! I'm here for you both any hour of the day! xoxo Tara

  3. I can't wait to meet her...i will call ya tonight to see if you need anything!!!

  4. Well it looks like Miss Girl wants her own day. She couldn't have picked 2 better people to be close to though. Hope all is going well and I can't wait to see her gorgeous little face. Looks like I'll be able to see her today. Hooray. Beautiful sunny day.

  5. Camden started his day with a prayer for you. This heart family is thinking about you and cheering you on over here!

    xoxo Patty
