Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fast Forward 6 years!

Hello all,
Time sure does fly by with young children.  Lily is almost 7 years old and started 1st grade this year.  She is loving her new school and friends. Cardiac wise we are on an annual basis with Lily's team at CHOP.  We're set to visit in the New Year where she'll undergo multiple tests including an ECHO and EKG and wear a Holter Monitor for 48 hours.  The Holter monitor records her heart's activity over time and her cardiologist likes to get a clear picture.  Lily didn't seem to mind it although I could tell in public she seemed a little embarrassed.

Lily is progressing like a typical kid. She keeps up with her peers physically, academically, emotionally. We really don't have any concerns at the moment, thank goodness!

Here's an updated pic of our superstar!