Camden and Lily! Lily's first heart friend.

Lily, Nan, and Dixie

Lily is Flyered Up!!

Happy girl waking up in the morning
Our first trip to Saint Charles Place Beach!

Lily turned 5 months today. She is doing really well! She loves rolling over and now prefers sleeping on her belly. Lily enjoys eating rice and oatmeal cereal and we just started introducing fruits. She is gobbling every last bite of her cereal. Lily was baptized on a beautiful spring day on the 16th of May. Annie and Fran are her godparents. She was well behaved and didn't cry at all during the ceremony. It was a special day filled with family and friends.
Today, on her 5th month birthday, Lily finally got to meet Camden. Camden is a heart baby and has now graduated from Pre-K. His mother, Patty, has been a tremendous source of support for me. We spent a lovely afternoon together and our favorite part was Camden's special song that he learned for Lily. It was a perfect day! Above you can see Camden and Lily's picture.
Enjoy the pictures of our little peanut. She is growing so quickly.
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